Minsk city technopark Limited liability company (hereinafter – MCT LLС, Technopark) was created on November 4, 2011 as part of implementation of the State programme of the innovation development of the Republic of Belarus.
The founders of the Technopark are the Minsk City Executive Committee (through the enterprise of communal ownership), the Belarusian Innovation Fund, the Belarusian State University.
MCT LLС has the official status of the subject of innovation infrastructure assigned by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus.
The main task of MCT LLС – a systematic support of small business of Minsk as part of implementation of innovation projects by means of provision of benefits and preferences provided by the law, the creation of favorable conditions for carrying out business in the high-technology sector, giving support to newcoming innovation companies.
Technopark residents
Technopark resident is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, carrying out innovative activities using movable and immovable property provided by the technopark, including premises of various functional purposes, and services rendered by the technopark, which underwent the procedure of competitive selection by expert committee and use the status of a resident on the basis of a decision of the managing bodies of Technopark.
The Technopark’s resident profile is a young enterprise engaged in innovative activity, dynamically developing, creating new jobs.
Residents’ activities:
- engineering services of a wide profile;
- exact instrument making and processing of materials;
- laser technology, optical devices;
- security and access control systems;
- robotics;
- microelectronics of a wide profile;
- pharmacology and biotechnology;
- green energy, waste recycling, environmental protection;
- conducting research and development (T) P in various fields of science and technology.
State support directions
Lease of spaces for various applications on a preferential basis. Purchase of technological equipment for the residents’ needs.
Tax exemptions
Profit tax is paid at the rate 10%. Exemption from land tax and real-estate tax.
Accompanying the activity
Organizational support to the implementation of innovation projects, carrying out foreign economy activity, provision of services for specialized consulting and outsourcing of business processes.
Information support
Release of promotional materials, participation in exhibitions, seminars, contact-cooperation exchanges.
Access to resources
Facilitating access to financial, organizational and administrative resources.
For the creation of necessary conditions for the allocation of residents and carrying out their activities a large-scale reconstruction and construction of the property complex of the technopark at Soltysa St., 187 are being performed.
International cooperation
MCT LLС is a full member of the international association of science and technology parks IASP (with voting rights).
Bilateral agreements are concluded with the innovation entrepreneurship support infrastructure organizations of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Czech Republic, etc.
220070, Republic of Belarus
Minsk, Soltysa str., 187
fax: +375 17 399 17 95
phone: +375 17 322 03 02
e-mail: mgtp@tut.by
Director: Davidovich Vladimir